
 Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months 

~Clifford Stoll - U.S. astronomer, computer expert

Unicode to stringDoor René Goris op Monday 07 Mar 2011 om 10:17:31

On receipt of SMS messages, some the body parameter was not recognized was send in Unicode. That is because the sender has his/hers phone settings string set to UNICODE instead of GSM. So I needed a translation from Unicode t0 string (ASCII), below t

On receipt of SMS messages, some the body parameter was not recognized was send in Unicode. That is because the sender has his/hers phone settings string set to UNICODE instead of GSM.
So I needed a translation from Unicode t0 string (ASCII), below the code:

string unicodeString = "0074006500730074";
string asciString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < (unicodeString.Length) - 1; i+=4) {
 int asciNumber = Convert.ToInt32(unicodeString.Substring((i+2),2),16);
 asciString += char.ConvertFromUtf32(asciNumber);
Response.Write("Unicode: " + unicodeString + "<br/>" + "String: " + asciString);


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